West Lafayette, IN
Parks & Recreation
Heather Witt
Marketing Director
222 N Chauncey Ave
West Lafayette, IN 47906
(765) 775-5110
(765) 807-0097 Fax
email: wlparks@westlafayette.in.gov
News & Media
As the Marketing and Communications Director for West Lafayette Parks and Recreation, I take pride in managing our social media, website, branding, photographing events, and writing our monthly newsletter and press releases. It brings me joy to be able to share our community's stories and memories with others. If you have any photos or stories to share, please don't hesitate to send them to us via email at Parksmedia@westlafayette.in.gov. Together, we can create a beautiful and inspiring collection of memories that will be cherished for years to come.
Thank you,
Heather Witt